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Posts in podcasting
Covid roulette

This week we published two more Covid Roulette stories … including from Steve who was mid symptoms when he was interviewed and the second from Mubarek (part 2 of his story) … talking about getting married overseas … and catching Covid himself whilst in Eritrea. Tony also talked to Shaykh Mohammad Ramzan about the various interruptions to weddings many have experienced over the last few years as part of this episode.

Coming up this week we’ve got Sally Rippin, an author who I am sure many of you with children will know. She’s been experiencing long-Covid symptoms poor thing …

We’re really pleased to be documenting these local stories for posterity and we hope you are enjoying hearing them too.

Listen on Apple Podcasts here.

Listen on Spotify here.

Or listen via our website here.


Kathy with her brother Geoff and their parents.

Our latest Covid story comes from Kathy who many of you may know from Jika Jika Community Centre in Westgarth. Her story isn’t about having Covid as such, but about the grief of losing both her parents during lockdown … and how much harder the global pandemic made things.

In her interview she mentioned her mum’s singing, and we tried to ring her at Jika to see if she could send the recording through … but unfortunately Kathy has now caught Covid and is at home resting up. Covid really is everywhere at the moment isn’t it?

Best wishes for a speedy recover Kathy. We hope you are feeling better quickly. And thanks so much for sharing your story.

Listen on Apple Podcasts here.

Listen on Spotify here.

Or listen via our website here.

A picture of baby Kathy with her mum and dad.


Hi Leanne here.

In our podcast this week we talk to local Trish about her Covid experience. When she got sick at New Year’s there were hardly any RATS around (remember?) and the whole family had to sit in one car 🚘 with their windows up while waiting 4 hours for a PCR … times have changed so much already - and so I think it’s just super to document these things before we forget.

Also Trish got eczema for the first time ever … and Mark didn’t get sick at all … and Rosie actually got sick for the second time poor sausage - she’d already had Covid once back in June 2020 …

It’s so interesting to understand how others have experienced this pandemic and their thoughts and feels along the way.

I am so excited we got the chance to make this podcast series and am just loving this opportunity to document experiences in our neighbourhood with Tony who is hosting the series - he’s such a great interviewer! So I hope you are enjoying listening along!

And if you ARE - please don’t hesitate to provide a rating or review on your favourite podcast service … we’d really appreciate the support because it is LOTS of work to put together. And … tell your friends how ace it is too! Thanks 😊

Listen on Apple Podcasts here.

Listen on Spotify here.

Or listen via our website here.

History podcast

With our new podcast studio “The Cupboard” up and running it is time to get the community here recording!

On Tuesday 10 May we’ll get running a session with the 3078 History Group to teach them how to use our equipment so they can begin recording oral histories and the like

If you are interested in this project please get in touch and come along! We’ll start the session at 7.30pm.

Episode 5 - Danny

Today on Covid Roulette ….

When Danny contracted Covid he noticed some unexpected side effects.

In this episode we hear Danny’s story and also talk with Dr Ed Poliness who explains how holistic thinking is now more than ever a pre-requisite for GPs as they help patients manage the multi-factorial impacts of the disease.

This episode features Danny McGinlay and Dr Ed Poliness.

Listen here or search for Covid Roulette on your favourite podcast player.
