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Posts in podcasting
Podcasting 101

Want to learn how to plan and make your own independent podcast?

Join Ben McKenzie here at ACC. Starting on Monday 30 July from 1-3pm and running for 4 weeks, Ben will guide you through the process.

Ideal for small business owners, artists or enthusiasts of any variety who would like to document and share their ideas through podcasting .. and/or learn new practical skills.

The cost is $220.

You can book in here.

Podcasting 101

Podcasting 101


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Podcasting 101 is back!

Are you a small business owner with skills and knowledge to share? A history buff? An amateur sleuth? Do you have a story to tell? Podcasting is a great way to do it!

Podcasting is really accessible and fun. You just need some basic knowledge and skills to get going. How to record, how to edit, how to upload your finished product onto the internet etc. And tips and tricks on what makes a great podcast.

Keen to find out more? Come along to ACC for 4 weeks in July/August and learn the art and craft of podcasting from Ben McKenzie, who regularly teaches podcasting and cohosts the monthly Terry Pratchett book club Pratchat.

Over 4 weeks you’ll explore all the basic elements to podcasting and you’ll get the chance in week 3 to book in time in ‘the cupboard’ our podcasting studio - to make your own recording … so you will walk away new knowledge and skills … and your first product.

The cost is $220. Book in here.

Podcasting 101

Podcasting 101


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Covid roulette

Sadly our Covid Roulette podcast series has come to an end. But … the last few episodes were super interesting.

Episode 15 - Alistair, was recorded at the safe injecting room in Richmond. Alistair who uses heroin talks about the challenges he faced during the pandemic, Peter who also uses the facility talks about his homeless friends and explains what happened to them, and Dr Nico Clark who runs the facility discusses how they managed … and the worries and impacts on staff and clients.

Then in Episode 16 - Katia and Sue - many of you may know them from our Peer Support Playgroup - talk about their family’s recent bout of Covid, their hospital experiences (they both went, and to different hospitals) … and the impacts of the pandemic on people with ‘underlying health conditions’.

Our final episode, Episode 17 - Pat, features a wrap up from two doctors at Austin Health - Pat Charles and Andrew Casamento. They talk about the effectiveness of the vaccines etc. and what they are experiencing in the health system now. It is super to get access to this information … and very helpful.

So … we hope you take a listen here or on your favourite podcast listening app - just search for Covid Roulette on Sporify, Google, Amazon or Apple etc.

Thanks once again Tony Wilson for your fabulous interviewing skills, David Bridie for your music, Lee Arkapaw for your graphic design and the Victorian Government for the funding.

This week on our podcast

We’re coming up to the last week of our podcast this week - we have 3 more episodes to publish.

You can follow along on our website here or check out the podcast where ever you regularly listen to podcasts - apple, google, amazon or spotify.

In the last few days we have published a couple of stories. The first is from local author Chloe Hooper - many of you will have read her books including Tall Man and The Arsonist. She talks about how worried her family was when the pandemic started because her husband Don Watson (also an author) was in remission from leukaemia. Her episode if very thoughtful and insightful and interesting!


The next episode features local Fleur - and is all about aborted travel plans - Fleur and her partner Trent and her four boys were all set to head to Singapore in January 2022 when they all came down with Covid. In this episode we also talk to David Bridie (musician with Not Drowning Waving etc.) and also the musician who made the Covid Roulette theme music. He talks about his aborted travel plans as well, including a trip to Antarctica.

He also discusses the impact of the pandemic on some of the musicians from PNG who he works with regularly and are on the Wontok record label.


And today we are publishing Ray’s story - which is a very sad one about his wife Marilyn, a nurse who stepped out of retirement to help out with the hotel quarantine program … and lost her life to Covid in November 2021.


Covid Roulette is a wonderfully interesting and personal record of the many ways that Covid has impacted our community in Yarra and Darebin, and we are very proud to have made the series. I really hope you have tuned in and are enjoying listening along.

Simon (and Terry)

The impacts of COVID haven’t just been on people’s health. In our latest episode of Covid Roulette we talk to Simon Greenland who runs a high end international tourism business … and also to Terry who similarly has a tourism business, and find out about how they managed through the pandemic … they were both particularly impacted by the international border closures of course. And they both have interesting stories!

You can listen along here or on your favourite podcast streaming service.