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Posts in local history
Life Journaling

Are you interested in learning how to document your life story?

Carmela Ferraro, an experienced journalist, has offered to run a life journaling workshop here.

Over 4 weeks she will lead you through the process of thinking about your life story, the early years, your career, family etc. She will help you get your story together in an interesting way.

You might like to write this up as a short story, or write the next best selling autobiography! Or incorporate the text into a photobook - the outcome will be up to you. Carmela will help you think about these options too.

The short course is a fabulous opportunity to get help to document the amazing unique life that each of us has had. And Carmela is very nice!

It costs $165 for 4 weeks, starting from Saturday 24 August, 10am-12pm. Book in here.

History podcast

With our new podcast studio “The Cupboard” up and running it is time to get the community here recording!

On Tuesday 10 May we’ll get running a session with the 3078 History Group to teach them how to use our equipment so they can begin recording oral histories and the like

If you are interested in this project please get in touch and come along! We’ll start the session at 7.30pm.

3078 history group meeting dates

Alphington Grammar

With our new podcasting equipment in place and our four local maps recently published, it is an exciting time to join the 3078 History Group. If you are interested in coming along the first meeting will occur in April. The group meets as a rule on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.30pm here at ACC.

The scheduled regular meeting dates through to the end of June will be :

  • Tuesday 12 April at 7.30pm

  • Tuesday 10 May at 7.30pm and

  • Tuesday 14 June at 7.30pm.

At the second meeting on Tuesday 10 May we will run a formal ‘introduction to podcasting’ session, to enable the group to start exploring the possibilities around recording oral histories from locals in the area.

If you are keen to find out more or register to come along you can email us here or call us on 9499 7227 so that we can add you to the group email list.

ANG - Summer

Today we put our latest exhibition on the fence for the summer holidays and it features photos and memorabilia relating to the Alphington Bowls Club.

1921 was a pretty great year in Alphington. The Alphington Paper Mills opened for production and the Alphington Bowls Club opened their doors. This year the club’s centenary celebrations included a retrospective exhibition of photos, stories and memorabilia at the club house which we are now sharing with you on our fence. It is pretty interesting to:

  • Check out the people who attended the opening of the bowls club in 1921.

  • Meet Les (perhaps the club’s best bowler) and Myrtle – they won 36 club championships between them.

  • Ponder the rules that framed the Alphington Ladies Bowls Club when it was created back in 1928, and were still in place in 1972!

  • Speculate on the cause of the fire that destroyed the original club house in 1951 … The ladies had a picture night that finished at 11.30pm, the fire was reported at 2.45am …

  • And admire the bowlers’ uniforms over the years.

If you are keen to see the whole package of information that the club produced you can download it here. Or pop past to see the images in a larger format on our fence.

Enjoy! Thanks once again Yarra Arts for supporting the Alphington Neighbourhood Gallery.

History group meeting

Are you interested in joining the 3078 History Group? They’ll be having their next meeting on Tuesday 9 November here at ACC from 7.30pm.

Come along and talk about the recent history walk publications, share your local knowledge, lend enthusiasm and/or help plan a new podcast series. It should be fun!