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ACC Online

connecting our community

Covid roulette

Hi it’s Leanne here.

It’s not everyday we have exciting new ideas 💡 (well maybe it is - we’re often planning new things) but it’s definitely not everyday that we also get the money to implement our exciting ideas!

However, we recently succeeded in getting a grant from the State Government for our new project - Covid Roulette - and we are now running at full steam to get it completed by mid May - when the funding needs to be expended.

Covid Roulette is a podcast series documenting the lived experience of Covid in our neighbourhood and more broadly across Darebin and Yarra.

As you have all probably experienced yourselves in the last few months, Covid is pretty much everywhere in our community and most of us now have our own Covid story in our family or friendship group.

What we are trying to do in our series is to capture an interesting mix of these stories, highlighting a range of social, emotional, economic and health impacts associated with catching Covid … for posterity, but also to enable us all to hear and understand the impacts for others, and hopefully encourage those who are still feeling vaccine hesitant to learn more about the disease through neighbourhood stories and understand better the gamut of risks that Covid poses.

We’re already well into recording and today we started publishing. You can find our first episode - Polly - on our website here … or on Spotify, Google, Apple and Amazon podcast/music services.

And … if you have a story you would like to share please let us know. You can email me here.

You might be a mum who has felt the burden of parenthood as the primary carer in these times, a person who couldn’t work while isolating and experienced economic impacts, someone who got quite sick, or had weird symptoms or someone who is experiencing long-covid etc. You might have a personal story and a professional perspective you could share.

From the dramatic to the mundane to the heartfelt … we’d really love to hear from you!