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ACC Online

connecting our community

Our last morning tea for 2020 this week

After the year we’ve had, we’re feeling pretty lucky that we’ve been able to test run ‘morning tea on the corner’ over the last few weeks. This week we’re looking forward to our 4th and final Friday morning tea for the year.

To mark the occasion we’ll be firing up the new bbq and giving our new outdoor kitchen a workout … to cook up the rest of the fancy Brenta sausages leftover from the market on Saturday.

And we’ll throw in a mince tart and some shortbread with your cup of tea or coffee … a soft introduction to the fast approaching Christmas season.

So if you’d like to pop past for a bbq-y Christmas-y morning tea/early lunch and a chat, we’ll see you from 11.30am. And if you’d like to come earlier you are most welcome to join in crafty activities inside and gardening activities outside from 10am.

We are anticipating keeping our Friday community mornings with morning tea running next year (we’ll be back on deck after Australia Day). So if you can’t make it this week pop it in your diary for next year. And we’ll see you then!
