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connecting our community

Highlights from our makers market

The weather held off for our annual Christmas Makers Market, and we had a wonderful community morning on Saturday. We were thrilled to have some lovely community minded folk from Rotary helping out on the BBQ. Thanks Kevin (you may know him for his lovely bonsai trees that he has sold at our markets in the past) for suggesting that your Rotary friends might be able to get involved.

We’d also like to thank Nelson Alexander for helping us get the word out about the market with 2 signboards and some coreflutes. We really appreciate having an ongoing relationship with a local real estate agent. We couldn’t possibly do any large and flashy advertising without their help.

Thanks to all the makers that participated on the day including our local CWA. There was a super variety of things to purchase. Lots of jewellery, jam, plants, gorgeous craft and some super recycled bags … just to name a few.

Lots of kids got into our crafty Christmas project that recycled a jar lid into a nature based Christmas decoration. And we had all our community art projects out on display. It was nice for everyone attending to see what Blind Date with a Book is about, and to be able to collect an Honestly letter (sometimes it is hard to make it down to the shops in time to grab one before they all go!).

Thanks again shoppers, seller and crafty kids. Aren’t we lucky to live in such a great local neighbourhood!