ACC Online

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ACC Online

connecting our community
Posts in podcasting
Logo and equipment

Look, we have a logo (thanks Lee Arkapaw). And our podcasting equipment arrived this week. Doesn’t it look exciting! We’re pretty keen to get our new podcasting studio set up and to start using it.


And also … we recently received an Education Week grant for an event that we’ll use as the official marker for this new community resource.

We got funding from the Department of Education to run a podcasting intro course here at ACC for local schools during Education Week, which is the last week of May. What a great way to kick things off hey? Creating, learning and community building with local students.

Alphington PS has taken up this opportunity and grade 5 and 6 students will be working with Tony Wilson.

Tony is an adult and children’s book author, former radio presenter (a fixture on RRR Breakfasters for a number of years), public speaker, speech writing connoisseur (visit Speakola - it’s a great online resource to read and watch the world’s most fabulous speeches), podcaster … and Darebin local.

Fun times! And thanks lovely friends from the Clifton Hill/North Fitzroy Community Bank for helping us get this up and running.

And we're back!

Hi everyone, we’re back on deck today (Monday). We hope you had a lovely Easter and school break. If you sent enquiries through over the holidays that we haven’t answered already, Kalimna will get back to you tomorrow (Tuesday) when she’s in the office.

Over the next couple of weeks I’ll be working on some of the bigger picture things - including working with Lee on our next feature artist for the Alphington Neighbourhood Gallery (on the fence), finalising the podcast studio, and getting the raised gardens up and running (I need to head out to Bulleen Art and Garden for a dwarf lime for the centre of the new round garden as a starting point). Also I need to line up a time with Darebin Council to deliver some fresh tanbark for the front garden … and I must order the new cubby house, deck and sandpit to complete the toddler play space out there as well.

Yikes, I feel busy already! We’ve got lots of exciting new plans for term 2 and we’re looking forward to sharing them with you over the coming weeks. Stay tuned.

And don’t forget that we have morning tea on the corner every Friday at 11.30am. Come along for a cuppa and cake and chat. We’d love to see you.

Join us for morning tea on the corner every Friday morning from 11.30am.

Join us for morning tea on the corner every Friday morning from 11.30am.


Okay. Hooray! We think the mural for our new podcasting studio, The Cupboard is finito. Finally (surely by now we’d know that these things always take longer than expected).

So … when we get back from holidays we’ll buy the podcasting equipment … build a webpage for bookings etc. and then officially launch what we know will be a fabulous community resource.

If you think you might be interested in using The Cupboard for a one off recording or a more regular gig you can register your interest here.

Thanks Clifton Hill and North Fitzroy Community Bank for supporting this. It’s going to be great and we are super excited!
