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Posts in playgroup
Parenting … help

Whether you have littlies or biggies, it is quite possible that in these uncertain times you might benefit from some tips and new strategies. Drummond Street Services has sent us some info about two free zoom sessions coming up that you might find useful.


You can book into Parenting Under Pressure here.


You can book into Kids and Emotional Intelligence here.

And Drummond Street Services has lots of other great things on, including support for LGBTQI+🏳️‍🌈 families, free zoom dads groups, support for families with children who are worrying, resources for new families, resources for building resilience if you have to isolate … and more. Check out all the things here.

Online resources for families

We got a great email the other day from Jacinta in the Yarra Family, Youth and Children’s Services team that included links to online resources. I thought it would be helpful to share them with families and parents during lockdown. Here’s what she sent through …

Playgroup Victoria are providing online playgroup and activity sessions here.

And, if you are after specific online information sessions you can:

  • Find out more about sleep and settling here.

  • Join a workshop about understanding children’s behaviour here.

  • Learn more about raising children in an eco-friendly household here.

  • Join in a workshop on parenting teens, managing screens here.

playgroup, youth, familiesKalimna
Cubby play

Kalimna took some pretty cute photos of the cubby being used for the very first time by children from Japanese playgroup a couple of weeks ago just before lockdown.

And it has been well used ever since.

As you would expect, we’re asking everyone not to use our playground for the next two weeks whilst we all work collectively to get COVID 6.0 under control.

Then we look forward to seeing YOU in person and IT back in action!

Community building (blocks)

We’re creating a set of building blocks for everyone to play with … featuring the houses in our neighbourhood. And we’re hoping you’ll help us out, by picking up a block from our collection bin, drawing your house on it with a black sharpie and returning it to us. Then we’ll add some colour … and a roof.

Look out for our community arts bins out on the corner over the next few days and join in.

The cubby

Hooray! Adam was here all day installing our new cubby and sandpit … doesn’t it all look 👀 great. Thanks Castle and Cubby. We love it.

All the bits and pieces.

All the bits and pieces.

The walls going up.

The walls going up.

The roof going on.

The roof going on.

We just need to fill the sandpit up now … and plant out the garden beds.

We just need to fill the sandpit up now … and plant out the garden beds.

And look, some new outdoor tables as well … pop past for a play!

And look, some new outdoor tables as well … pop past for a play!