ACC Online

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ACC Online

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Posts in community

The time has come to prune our fruit trees in our little urban orchard. Corrado and Keiko started on the apples along the back fence the week before last, and then moved on to the smaller trees along the boundary fence last week. We still have some to go … so if you are interested in tree pruning but a bit nervous you might like to come along and have a chat this Friday whilst we finish them off.

Gardening Group is part of our Friday Community Morning program. It runs from 10am-12pm.

Baby massage etc.

In local news, the Australian Breastfeeding Association has asked us to publicise an event they are running, a free baby massage session in Preston, as part of celebrations for World Breastfeeding Week.

The event will be held on Friday 9th August, 10am - 12pm at Donald Street Community Hall - 18 Donald St, Preston.

If you are interested in attending you will need to register, as there are space limitations.

You can book free tickets and find out more information from this link.

Support our programs

All the lemon curd has sold! But we still have beetroot relish, dried lime, cumquat marmalade and gin and lime marmalade … made by lovely volunteers (thanks friends who come along!).

All profits from our preserves support our access all abilities short courses that enable everyone in our community to do things that they love.

Pop past and buy some next time you are passing by!

Alphington Arts

Our first session of Alphington Arts was well attended with 18 people coming along to meet new people and explore basket weaving.

Thanks Kayti for sharing your knowledge!

I have included some photos of a few of the little baskets that were produced.

If you are keen to join in and get arty with a lovely group of creative locals who come together to share skills it costs $40 for the semester … and we have 3 sessions left.

Find out more and book in here.

The key …

Last term our community arts project was called ‘The Key …’ and we invited people passing on the street to write their thoughts on a key tag in relation to 3 questions.

As each round finished we put all the keys 🔑 in a jar on our bench … and now we are enjoying having lots of good vibes and thoughtful ideas infiltrating our subconscious as we pass by the jars each day.

Take a look next time you are here. Thanks to everyone who joined in!