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Posts in community
Movie club in July!

In our first week back for Term 3 we will be off to the movies again.

Tuesday July 11th we will se a midday movie at Westgarth Cinema on High Street.

We will check what shows are on offer and publish to our movie chat group.

If you are keen please contact us and we can add you to the group.

This week

As we approach the end of term 2 we’re all looking forward to a break so that we can return refreshed and ready to roll for the second half of the year.

So, firstly this is a reminder that we’ll finish up this Friday 23 June and take a two week break - then see you all on Monday 10 July bright eyed and bushy tailed and ready for term 3.

In this last week we’ll be working on the program for next semester.

We’ve had lots of people come and talk to us about new ideas which is just fabulous! We’ve had discussions about health, wellbeing and fitness classes, maternal/child health support, art classes, community art projects and more. So we’ll spend the week following these ideas up and seeing which ones we can get going.

And we’re also talking with our local artists from Alphington Open Studios about the dates for this year, and talking with the Music from the Wetlands committee about how we can best help out for that fabulous event (how EXCITING - it will be on again in late November, always such a wonderful day!).

We’re also super thrilled that our colleagues over in Richmond got a grant from Sustainability Victoria all about building a ‘repair’ culture. And they have invited us to be part of their workshop series. So we might have a bike repair workshop here, maybe Gordon back for Sewing Machine and Overlocker maintenance/repairs, and a session on how to repair a lamp … Sounds great hey (I’d love to know how to use a kit to rewire my lovely old standard lamp safely … ). Richmond are just in the process of working out what happens at which site!

We also have two students from The Academy of Mary Immaculate here this week, which will be just lovely. I am sure they will be very helpful in getting organised for the end of term. And also a great resource to tap into for programming ideas. Look out for them and make them feel welcome!

And finally I have included a photo from last week of the green tomato relish that our lovely preserves group made. The tomatoes came from Kalimna’s mum and dad who have a big garden - she brought in so many tomatoes that our cooks needed two sessions to get through them all. With donated glass jars and fabric and donated ingredients, our preserves group activities are not just about being productive and helping us fundraise whilst chatting and making community connections, but also about low food miles and recycling! It’s super isn’t it!

Food waste challenge

Yarra Council is inviting residents to sign up to a food waste challenge. Here are the details.

Reducing avoidable food waste at home can save you money and time! 

Join the free 12-week online food waste challenge to reduce avoidable food waste, and to go in the draw to win 1 of 10 swag starter packs to keep your refrigerated vegetables and fruit fresh for longer (Yarra residents only)***. 

 By signing up, you will receive fortnightly emails with our top tips for reducing food waste, and a challenge which is both achievable and fun.  

 Sign up to Yarra’s food waste challenge Be food smart | Yarra City Council



Take the bus …

Are you interested in social outings by private bus … with lovely neighbourhood house folk?

My colleague Alison, who runs North Carlton Railway House, has a super ‘winter bus 🚌 trip series’ running, and has extended the invitation to attend.

If you are interested you’ll find the details below. To book in just give them a call (or pop past). Their house is at the former Railway Station on the old inner north line accessible from Park Street in North Carlton.

Sounds fun right? Thanks Alison!

  • Monday 3 July - To The East (from Narre Warren to Brighton) $10

  • Monday 7 August - Flagstaff Precinct Museum $10

Dili Allstars

The Yarra Leaps and Bounds Festival is coming up in mid July … and I (Leanne) have been helping Friends of Baucau organise one of the events.

So … if you missed Womadelaide this year … you can still be cool and groovy in our ‘hood, and come along to see the Dili Allstars with Timor Oans at Collingwood Town Hall on Thursday 13 July from 6.30-9pm. Here is the link to find out more.

It is a free event (donations are welcome on the night as funds raised will go the supporting Friends of Baucau programs) with food and a bar … AND you can book tables of 10 people for $100 … if you’d like to sit down … ACC will book a couple, so if you’d like to be part of our table(s) please let us know here - it costs $10 per person.

I am roping my oldest daughter and niece in to help on the bar (and could do with additional volunteers if anyone is keen). And I’m making my soon-to-be 17 year old have her birthday there (be sure to say happy birthday 🎂 🎈 if you see her. I told her to invite her friends! It’s a perfect venue for a party right?!?).

So it’s a real community thing … and it would be super to have lots of people come along! I hope to see you there.

music, communityLeanne