Alphington Community Centre

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The renos

So … our renovations are powering along. Eastern Property Services have been super lovely and efficient to work with.

This week the slab was poured for the new building in the backyard. And the frame for the building is being delivered on Monday. So this week should be exciting out there.

Inside we are busy sorting and organising … because on Thursday the asbestos will be removed from the ceiling in our office and in the foyers (and we have a LOT of stuff in our office and the foyers). There is also asbestos in the lino under the carpet tiles in our two main rooms that will come out.

So we need to clear everything out and … after the asbestos is removed, and until the ceilings are reinstated and the carpet tiles go back down, we’ll have our main rooms closed and we will be using the desk in room 3 for our office during the day (where we usually have podcasting/counselling/music lessons). To compensate for the closed rooms we will be reorganising the community shed space - so it can be used for a wider variety of programming.

Kalimna and I are in the process now of contacting all our users that will be impacted by the works, to ensure they (you) have an alternative plan. If we haven’t spoken to you yet we’ll do it early this week … but if you are worried please feel free also to give us a call!

It’s all going to be fine … it is all a bit up in the air, but the focus is on keeping things running … and we don’t want anyone to feel concerned.

In this light, please note that our outside programming, including playgroups and our Friday community program should not be impacted by the ongoing works … we’ll use the kitchen by the community shed and the shed itself if we need indoor space … and we’ll have access to the toilet through room 3 … and it will be exciting and different and fun!
