ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

Missed a week

Sorry for the pause in our news last week … we were flat out getting organised here at ACC and I barely sat at my desk early in the week … and then I went to a conference on Thursday and Friday with all the other neighbourhood house managers from the north-east Melbourne region, which was great. But I wasn’t in the office.

And … sometimes when I haven’t got to the newsletter I do it on Sunday night … but … I went to the Northcote Rise festival on High Street and … see the photo below! … I got distracted.

What a great event though! Nothing better than dancing to a Latin themed oversized jukebox in the middle of a closed off street with neighbourhood friends on a Sunday afternoon right?

We’re so lucky to have such great things on locally! Did you go too?
