ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

This week ...

Kalimna is away for two weeks leading up to the Easter holidays (her family are off to Japan for 3 weeks or so - lucky things) and so I (Leanne) will be struggling along in the office by myself - missing her organisational skills!

And as I recover from the Alphington Show you may need to have some patience with me!

In the next two weeks we’ll be wrapping things up for term 1 (AAA Bowls finished last week and Women in the Shed finishes this week) and getting everything bedded down for term 2.

Our last Morning Tea in the Garden is this coming Friday at 11.30am as the following Friday is Good Friday … come along for some Easter fare - hot cross buns and Easter Eggs are on the menu!

And you might notice that we have some lovely new chandaliers decorating our outdoor seating area - thanks to the creativity of our Friday afternooon AAA Arts group. Here’s a photo of Corrado putiting them up.