Alphington Community Centre

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AAA bowls

Jill and our wonderful community partners Alphington Bowls Club started up the access all abilities (AAA) bowls program for 2022 this week.

Jill was delighted to reconnect with some of the regulars who come from local supported residential care houses such as Arnica Lodge in Como Street, Alphington and Austin Street Villa Maria … which is in Austin Street (obviously haha). And she said that quite a few new people came along too which is super (if a bit chaotic the first week in).

We run our AAA bowls program for 6 weeks a term, 3 terms a year (avoiding the colder months in July and August).

It is supported through our annual project funding that comes from Yarra City Council and by fabulous volunteers at the bowls club who turn up each week to show participants the ropes. We so appreciate that they take the time to share the joy of their sport with kindness and commitment … and in doing so work with us to foster and strengthen the foundations of our wonderful diverse and inclusive local community.