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Wellbeing toolkit

Hi Kalimna here. How lovely are the APS lizards? I will be keeping a look out for them while I go for walks with our dog.

And to add to our collective community toolkit, I thought I could share a post from a dear friend who has a daily list for isolation wellbeing!

Imagine the following handwritten with little boxes beside them to tick off as you go :-)

  • shower

  • meditate

  • drink water

  • clean one thing / space

  • tend to something growing / living

  • be mindfully present to: a sound or song; a sensory feeling; something you see; a spiritual practice

  • reach out to a human outside your home

  • do one thing to get your heart rate up

  • do one thing you will be glad you did later

  • do one thing just because you want to

  • get in at least one good laugh

This list reminded me of the happiness poster, gifs and video that Lee created last year when lockdowns were new to us all and we needed some good advice on how to care for ourselves and others with the new landscape of being at home all the time.

While not attempting to do everything on the list everyday (showering excluded) … I feel that this list is quite helpful … especially as we face this latest extension of our current lockdown.

Good luck everyone. Stay fit, stay happy, get laughing, get growing in your garden and talk to friends and neighbours when you can.