ACC Online

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ACC Online

connecting our community

Feeling a bit sick? Get a test, stay at home, call us if you need something ...

Hi neighbourhood friends, as you all know, the messages coming from the Victorian Government are pretty clear. if you are feeling even the littlest bit sick you need to go and get a coronavirus test ASAP. Don’t wait to see how you feel tomorrow …

And then … you need to go straight home and stay there until you hear the result. Don’t pop into the milkbar. Don’t drive through Maccas. Don’t go shopping for ugg boots and tracky dacks at Northland!

We’re all in this together, so if you need anything whilst you are stuck at home and you don’t know who to ask, you can ask us!

We’ll do our very best to help you out with whatever you need. Call 9499 7227 or email

