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The weekly list: great podcasts to listen to on your daily walk

Walking each day during lockdown I am discovering new podcasts to listen to.

  • The Rewatchables - a good friend put me on to this - a group of American movie buffs (Bill Simmons, Sean Fennessey, Chris Ryan) sharing their favourite films and the things they love watching again and again. They cover many great films (Inception, The Godfather, The Shining …..) and have categories they work through to analyse and share great movie trivia and movie making secrets. The banter is fun, but what is best is that it makes you want to sit down and watch those films again armed with the new insights they have left you with. Stories of the directors, actors and reasons why some scenes are as great as they are; and why you remember them long after you see the movie!

  • Bookclub (BBC Radio 4) - is a podcast where the author chats with readers about the book they have written. I am listening to the one with Gail Honeyman - author of “Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine”. A book I am yet to read myself but know that many book clubs have on their reading list! There are many great authors to listen to and you would be sure to find one you admire and would like to hear discuss their work.

  • Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness - Jonathan is one of the fab five from “Queer Eye”. The lovable hair stylist tackles many issues relevant to America but I am listening to the episodes dealing with self love and personal growth. It is Jonathan just chatting away unfiltered with interesting people that he admires or he is interested in knowing more about their field of expertise. It is like listening to close friends catch up. If you adore Jonathan you will laugh along. He is a character so be warned his honesty is unchecked!