ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

Lovely things in the 'hood: plants and compost edition

Even though ACC is physically closed, our staff mostly live in our community. And so, as we take our many, many, maaaaaaaany walks in and around the neighbourhood, we have stumbled across some excellent community activities going on.

For example, the guerilla gardening that’s been happening around the industrial areas north of Separation Street.

Streets have been planted out with local native plants and it’s a delight to see previously neglected industrial areas thriving with native plants and the associated birds and bugs and lizards.


This picture is of a cute billabong that’s been created where a downpipe from a warehouse runs onto the nature strip. Planting like this in industrial areas is such a great use of space.

And it’s been planted out with careful thought to biodiversity - using a variety of local plants from nurseries like the Victorian Indigenous Nurseries Co-Operative in Yarra Bend. These plants provide different food sources - like flowers for nectar feeding birds. There’s also logs and sticks to provide habitats for lizards and insects and water containers for bird baths.

We also spotted a nature strip compost bin for the neighbours to use - check out ShareWaste to find a neighbourhood compost bin if you don’t have your own, or set one up on your own nature strip maybe?
