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ACC Online

connecting our community

Dear neighbour … do you have a story to share?


Hi friends, we’re looking for some people to contribute to our ‘Honestly’ project. If you‘re partial to a bit of over-sharing (eg. you like a chat at the school gate or down at the shops … or online like me!) … we’d LOVE you to contribute a handwritten letter. Don’t be shy! Start the letter ‘Dear neighbour’. 2-4 pages is enough. No need to sign it, but we’d like a hint of who you are on the envelope. So ‘from a plumber’ or ‘from a gardener’ would be great! You can just slip it under our front door if we’re not home (so it doesn’t get wet if it rains - our letterbox is a bit leaky). We’ll then copy it 30 times and put it out for other neighbourhood friends to collect and read.

Maybe you’d like to share your joy in a project you’ve undertaken, have a story to tell about a grandchild arriving, news of family overseas or just have some thoughts and feelings about this moment in time.

Nothing has to be that exciting … this project is just a little reminder that we’re all in this together … but also uniquely ourselves with our own challenges and experiences. A mechanism to help us all feel just a little bit more connected as a community.

So … we’ll look forward to receiving a flood of hand written letters under our door in the coming days!
