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ACC Online

connecting our community

A neighbourhood seed library


Yesterday we had a new little street library installed out the front of ACC - not a book library this time, but a seed library!

This is a new initiative of the City of Darebin. There are four of these libraries being installed across the municipality. We’re feeling very lucky to have one of them, and we’d like to thank Natalie at Council for getting such a great project off the ground (and Tommy for making and installing the library at ACC). The little structure is super cute and a great addition to our garden and neighbourhood!


So … now you are invited to use it. You can pop past and take seeds obviously … and then, when you have them .. share some seeds from your garden.

Luckily we had some ready to go. Louise from the Fairfield Community Garden dropped off a big bag of dried out broccoli seeds still on the stems just before Christmas last year. Which we packaged up. And then Win brought some silverbeet seeds to community lunch earlier in the year for friends and fellow lunchers to take home.


if you’ve got seeds to share Darebin has provided cute little envelopes for you to put them in. They’re on the bottom shelf! You can also drop off a bag of seeds (stick them on the bottom shelf as well, with a note letting us know what they are) or leave them with us if we are onsite… and we’ll package them up into the smaller packs if you don’t get the chance yourself.

So now there’s no need to feel bad about letting your veggies go to seed! Instead think of it as an opportunity to be neighbourly. We’re looking forward to seeing more seeds in our new seed library soon. How fun. Aren’t we lucky? Happy gardening friends.
