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Posts in gardening
National recycling week

This week is National Recycling Week and we’ve been celebrating recycling in our programs. We kicked off with Visible Mending Club on the weekend and sent along some fabulous potential mending supplies for the group that Anne had kindly donated (patches and lace and all sorts of interesting things) … then offered a range of fun recycled craft activities for playgroups … and will finish the week mixing up recycling with gardening … making recycled seed packets for seeds we’ve saved from the garden and also potting up some of the lettuce seedlings we’ve been growing - again in recycled pots and tins.

And we made this great sign as well! Just for fun. Using a whole range of donated/recycled things we had hanging around … so Happy National Recycling Week.

Urban orchard

Our robust pruning Is paying off with loads of fruit starting to appear on our fruit trees this year. Hooray!

And look at this beautiful blossom on our Granny Smith tree. Lovely colours.

A new greenhouse

With funding from the Federal Government (to support volunteer activities) we recently purchased a little greenhouse for our front garden.

Thanks for putting it together Corrado. And thanks Ged Kearney MP for supporting this grant application. It’s great to be able to collectively support volunteering in our community

Now we’re looking forward to raising seedlings and nurturing cuttings for our seed library and community garden 🪴in it.


Did you know we have a compost hub at ACC? It is not huge - just two bins - but they are available for our community to contribute to (if you don’t have your own system at home etc.).

Clare manages them on a Friday … and with a little love (and weekly turning) they are amazingly productive.

We have a collection of neighbours and friends who contribute their kitchen scraps regularly which is just lovely … and we use the compost generated to keep our community garden beds healthy … so we can grow food to share! Like our little seeds that have just been planted and will hopefully pop through the soil any day now.