ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community
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Next year ...

Time flies when you are having fun!

We’re now putting together the program at ACC for next year and as always, we are interested in your ideas.

If you have a skill you’d like to share through a weekend workshop or through a regular activity please let us know (eg. our Visible Mending Club runs monthly thanks to Serene offering to share her skills).

If you have been to a course or program somewhere else that you think would be super for our community please let us know (eg. it was thanks to recommendation that we met Gordon who now runs our Sewing Machine and Overlocker Maintenance workshops annually ).

Just email or give us a call on 9499 7227 and we can talk about how to make it happen!

And as a taster … new things on our radar for next year include:

  • Movie Club - once a month on Tuesday afternoons we’ll head over to Westgarth Cinema on the train to watch a film together.

  • Podcasting 101 - a short ACFE course (we have funding to support this program thanks to RCLC - our lovely neighbourhood house colleagues in Richmond)

If you are interested in joining in these new activities just look out for our new program that will provide details of how to register. It should be out by early December …

Calling local artists

Local artists … do you want to be part of the Alphington Open Studios salon exhibition coming up in late November and early December here at ACC? We’re looking for creative locals to participate. You can enter 2 works. Find out more and sign up here. It is free to enter.

Alphington open studios

We’re super excited to be partnering with local artists across the neighbourhood once again as part of the annual Alphington Open Studios weekends.

At ACC we are hosting the salon exhibition, that features two works from every artist who is part of the event, and other local artists are invited to be part of it as well!

To join in just register here. It is free, with a small fee charged for processing any works sold.

Alphington Open Studios will run on 26/27 November (with opening night drinks here at ACC on Friday 25 November) and will remain open the following weekend - 3/4 December.