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Posts in community shed
Weekend workshop - timber reycling

We often have people asking us for a weekend version of our Women in the Shed program, and here is a super taster for anyone wanting a gentle and practical introduction to working with timber! Lovely local artist Jane Hausseger is running our upcoming Recycled Timber Design Workshop next weekend on Saturday 6 May from 10am-12pm.

Jane will teach you how to make coffee paddles - small chopping boards - that can be used to serve food or coffee and would make lovely handmade gifts. In the workshop you will learn about selecting recycled timber, cutting, sanding and then dressing the timber with products that are suitable for food use.

It is a great introduction to recycling timber and you will walk away with a lovely product at the end. You can book in here. There are still two places available. So book in and come along.

Eco-dyeing workshop

Join Annie here on Saturday 13 May from 2-4pm. With supportive funding from City of Yarra her Pillow Talk workshop costs only $20 and is suitable for families, teenagers and adults of all ages. In the workshop you will learn all about dyeing onto recycled cotton fabric (sourced from pillows) and have fun dipping, bashing, rolling and steaming colours. You’ll also learn a bit about how the pillow production and waste stream works. Sounds super interesting right? You can book in here.

Recycled Timber Design Workshop

If you came along to the Alphington Open Studios in December last year you would have seen some beautiful timber chopping boards in the gallery.

Lovely local artist Jane Hausseger has offered to share her skills and knowledge about working with timber in our upcoming Recycled Timber Design Workshop running on 6 May from 10am-12pm, here at ACC in the Community Shed.

Jane will teach you how to make coffee paddles - small chopping boards - that can be used to serve food or coffee and would make lovely handmade gifts. In the workshop you will learn about selecting recycled timber, cutting, sanding and dressing the timber with products that are suitable for food use.

It is a great introduction to recycling timber and you will walk away with a lovely product at the end. You can book in here.

Pillow Talk Workshop

Coming up in May, we have another really interesting workshop called Pillow Talk, led by local artist Annie Bolitho running here at ACC. This workshop has a strong sustainability theme and is supported with a sustainability grant from the City of Yarra.

Annie is creatively working to find a second life for the cotton fabric that covers pillows.

So … if you have:

  • pillows that have reached the end of their usable life, and/or

  • an interest in learning how to go about eco-dyeing and/or

  • an interest in reducing landfill

this workshop is for you!

Join Annie here on at ACC in the Community Shed on Saturday 13 May from 2-4pm. With supportive funding from City of Yarra this workshop costs only $20 and is suitable for tweens, teenagers and adults (it would be a good one to do as a family). Have fun dipping, bashing, rolling and steaming colours. And learn how the pillow production and waste stream works. Book in here.

Recycled Timber Design Workshop

I f you came along to the Alphington Open Studios event at ACC in December last year you would have seen some really beautiful recycled timber chopping boards made by local artisan Jane Hausegger.

In Term 2 she has offered to run a workshop for us here at ACC, to teach people in the community how to select, cut, finish and dress recycled timber to safely use for kitchen products (that make amazing gifts) such as coffee paddles and chopping boards.

If you are interested in developing your timber skills you’ll love this course that has a focus on simple, beautiful and sustainable creations.

The workshop is on Saturday 6 May from 10am-12pm in our Community Shed and it costs $130 (which includes all materials). You can book in here.