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Posts in books and telly
Book recommendations to share

Hi Kalimna here.

When taking photos of our ‘honestly ‘ letter project recently, our neighbour Glen struck up a conversation with Lee and I about two wonderful books he said were the best gifts he had ever received.

The books he was referring to are Living on Stolen Land by Ambelin Kwaymullina and Kindred by Kirli Saunders.


He noted that Living on Stolen Land should be mandatory reading for all Australian children. I was convinced, and will be sharing this book with my children; heartfelt recommendations like this don’t come along everyday.

You can find out more via this link to Magabala Books.

Thank you Glen for sharing these book recommendations with us.

Book clubs nearly full - roll up, roll up

All or our book clubs are recommencing for the year this month. We run 5 book clubs (Kalimna here and Jody at Darebin Libraries do a fabulous job of juggling and managing the confusion of books and people and loans and return dates) and we have a couple of spots left in our Monday and Tuesday evening groups.

So if you’d like to get together once a month with a group of local folk to chat about a book (and make neighbourhood friends) you can sign up here.

It costs $60 per year to join.

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Join a book club

Interested in joining a local book group and getting to know a diverse cross-section of people in the local community? We have some vacancies in our popular book clubs on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings for next year.

At ACC our book clubs meet once a month and there are some great reads on offer this coming year, including Boy Swallows Universe by Trent Dalton and The Yield by Tara June Winch. Each group chooses its own titles for the year from a selection offered by Darebin Libraries.

Book clubs cost $60 to join.

Click here to find out more and join up today.


Blind date with a book - also at ACC

You may have seen the Blind Date with a Book stand at Station Street, but did you know that we also have a ‘home’ version that we put out on our corner? It is usually out there on Thursdays, and will also have it out this Saturday at the Makers Market. This stand also hosts our Craftberry Jam jars.

So … you can pop past for a free mystery book and a free crafty project. So much community goodness!

Here’s a photo of Scout and her owner, when they stopped to take a look last week.
