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Music at ACC

Keen to learn music, share music or dance to music?

At ACC you can join:

  • Ukulele on Monday evenings. We have a new Beginners Ukulele group starting up. It is self-led (eg. there is not a formal teacher) but one of our more experienced Uke players is helping the new players get going for a little bit (how lovely is that). Call our office to find out more,

  • Daniel on Tuesdays teaching guitar. If you are a keen guitarist you can contact him on 0432 674 498.

  • Line Dancing on Wednesdays from 10am at the Alphington Scout Hall - always lots of fun and well attended! Call Shirley to find out more on 94892102.

  • The Alphingtones Choir who meet over at St Andrews Church in Fairfield (just behind the shops) on Thursdays from 7.30pm

  • Yoyo on Friday afternoons and Saturday mornings to learn violin. You can contact her on 0415 357 698.

ACC news, programs, musicLeanne