ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

This week

We’ve had a week of recovery after the Winter Arts Exhibition. Kalimna took some beautiful photos that you should check out.

Most art work has now been collected - but if you haven’t been past yet please arrange a time. Call, email or pop in during our office hours.

After Preserves Group last week we have some delicious new winter fruit chutney for sale - it has apricots and prunes and apples and is fabulous with cheeses or meats. Along with some zucchini pickles. Always yum! Thanks everyone who came along for our cook up - it was great.

On Friday our gardeners planted some new trees in our garden … and a new statue the week before. The photos are linked below.

We still have 2 weeks of Crunch coming up. Book in - it is friendly, yummy and creative. You can check out what we made this week below. Very gorgeous!

Other news? I can’t think!

Oh yes … the second month of Grateful Gathering run by local Janet is coming up on Wednesday. When we first advertised this lots of people expressed interest … but then not everyone turned up. So, this a reminder that it is on! If haven’t expressed interest before but are interested you can contact Janet via email

Also … Darebin Council is doing consultation on the next Council Plan. See the link to have your say. It is important that the community gives feedback on this as it shapes the funding priorities of Council for the next 4 years.

And finally the ‘Big Ideas’ public consultation on Plan Victoria closes this week. This document will guide planning across our State to 2050. So you might like to take a look and put your two bobs in! Here is the link.

Thanks everyone. Have a great week.


ACC newsLeanne