ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

The week

Last week we continued to get organised here at ACC.

Kalimna and Lee were both away, so I was in the office 5 days and consequently got lots of paperwork done! And Clare came in to run Crunch on Thursday - thanks Clare.

On Friday local carpenter Matt came past to fill in the gaps in our hanging system after doors and walls changed position in our renovations … and he also put up our defibrillator in the back yard.


This week we are getting ready for the Winter Arts Exhibition. Click on the link below for all the details … we hope you can come along this 16 August from Friday 5-7om for the Opening Night and/or pop past on the weekend between 10am and 4pm.

Also … check out our latest lemon 🍋 donation - thanks Shirley. Perfect timing for Preserves Group coming up on Tuesday 20 August. The same day as Movie 🍿 Club.

Let us know if you are keen to join in either of these programs and we’ll add you to the relevant What’s App groups.

Hope to see you soon.


ACC newsLeanne