Alphington Community Centre

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Alphington Arts - join in!

Join Alphington Arts … it’s sort of like a book club, with meetings twice a term … but instead of reading books (and talking) we’ll get together and make art (and chat) …

Starting in second semester the cost is $40 to join, and we’ll run 4 sessions on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm. Dates to be confirmed - but we’re aiming for the first and last week of each term.

At these sessions we will ask someone in the group to share an easy skill as a taster for everyone to have a go - like block printing, still life, basket weaving etc. - obviously the skills shared will depend on the people who come along - but don’t be put off thinking you have to offer something straight away, we have this years sessions lined up so you wont be under pressure!

If you are interested in joining in email us here. We will add you to the Whats App group for ongoing communication.

Note there may be some additional material costs associated with particular activities - depending on what we are doing. But we’ll try to keep these minimal.

And … please do let us know if you have a skill you could share yourself. It could be anything … painting, drawing, floristry, felting, weaving, card making, printing, paper folding …. we’re very keen to build a community of artists and create casual and friendly opportunities for creative peer learning and sharing into the future.