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The garden etc.

Leanne here. Thanks for the plant donations family and friends! My mum and dad dropped off a tub of dietes. Annie dropped off some pelargoniums and hardy pollinator plants she had nurtured from cuttings.

This week I pulled out my paint brush and some fence paint I had hanging around from my renovation at home - and gave the back fence a lick of paint. It was blue. Now it is grey to match the new pod and pergola.

And on Friday we ordered some soil and our gardeners led by Clare and Corrado started filling up the new garden beds around the pod and out the front.

And we planted.

The rush was on with birthday party bookings now coming in to make our space civilised!

So, nearly there outside. We’re also going to add in some small trees and some ground covers in the next week or so.

And … in related news Kalimna and I cleaned the office (for the second and what we hope is the final time in this renovation journey) - so we can sit at our desks … and actually find things. Hooray! 🎉

See you soon at our nearly organised neighbourhood house!
