Alphington Community Centre

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Update on works

Hi Leanne here.

It has been a less dramatic week this week … but there has been lots of progress in our building works.

Materials such as cladding, insulation and plasterboard are onsite. And the electrician has been through and put all the cabling in.

I did my bit and ordered the kitchen! Hooray. Now I need to buy an induction stove top, a new oven etc. I’ll do this Monday or Tuesday.

The inspection for the new building frame outside is complete and the steelwork and lintels are going in inside.

There is going to be a big push this coming week with 4 builders back onsite. So things might visibly speed up again with the rest of the framing in, and perhaps some plastering?

We’re prioritising getting the foyer, office and new toy library room completed asap so that we can start organising and utilising those spaces. And this will also free up room 3, where our office currently is, and enable us to have some options for our programming.