Alphington Community Centre

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Annual conference

Last week Kalimna and I headed off to Silverwater Resort at San Remo for the annual Neighbourhood Houses Victoria (NHVic) Conference. NHVic is our peak body.

There are 400+ neighbourhood houses in Victoria, and of those, 25% have had new Executive Officers come on board in the last 3 years - so it was not just a chance to catch up with old friends (the last conference was pre-Covid times) but also an opportunity to talk to people new to the sector. Including Jen - who many of you will remember! She started our Women in the Shed program and has recently been appointed to run Garfield Neighbourhood House in Cardinia Shire - it was lovely to see her.

And we got lots of great ideas. Costa Georgiadis from Gardening Australia kicked things off with a talk all about how he goes about pitching gardening … making the stories engaging and entertaining. It was a great reminder. Jacinta Parsons from ABC radio was the keynote speaker at the dinner and talked about her chronic illness and how important community support is. And in between we heard from the new ACNC commissioner, got an update on the progress of the First Peoples Assembly in Victoria from Reuben Berg (amazing that we already have a fully operational Voice structure here in Victoria, that is well on the way to working toward the practical implementation of Truth and Treaty and we haven’t really heard much about it) and also talked and heard about community gardens, social enterprises, volunteering … and got inspired about all the things that we do day to day in neighbourhood houses.

It was a fabulous learning experience for both of us.