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Timor-Leste movie night

Hi all, as you might know, the Darebin neighbourhood houses had the opportunity to visit Timor-Leste a few years ago to progress conversations about how we could work collaboratively and share learnings with the active women’s organisations in Baucau, Timor-Leste. The trip was run by Friends of Baucau, which is a not for profit organisation that actively supports the long standing partnership agreement between the municipality of Baucau and Darebin Council and Yarra Council - dating back to the independence of Timor-Leste.

It is a fascinating country and we share extraordinary history as Australians - from WW2 and through the independence struggle.

The upcoming Friends of Baucau AGM is going to be held before a one-off screening of the film Circle of Silence at Westgarth Cinema (see details below).

If you are interested in seeing this documentary based on the book by Shirley Shackleton, you can pre-purchase tickets from OnDemand Films. Here is the link. They cost $24 and Friends of Baucau is also hoping for a $10 donation (at the door) to support their fundraising efforts.

Hopefully I will see you there. Leanne
