Alphington Community Centre

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Meet the makers

Do you make your own wine?

The Meet the Makers showcase returns this year, taking place at Preston City Hall, 284 Gower Street, Preston, on Sunday 19 March from 12.30pm – 4.30pm. The event celebrates Darebin’s local home winemakers and artisans and will also feature stalls, demonstrations and live music.

The skills, knowledge and traditions of Darebin’s wine makers are valuable reminders of our journey and the character that it adds to our neighbourhoods.

This year, homemade wine can be entered into the competition. All wine varieties can be showcased and entered for judging on the day.

Below are the details to register.


When preparing your entry please ensure:

  • All bottles must be cleaned and sanitised. This can be achieved by cleaning the bottles with hot soapy water, then applying a food grade sanitiser.

  • Hands must be washed regularly with soap and dried with paper towel.

  • All bottles must be closed tightly.

  • Please observe best food handling practices when preparing your entry.

  • Guidelines are available here:

  • All entrants into competition must either Live, Work, Study or attend a Seniors Club in Darebin

  • Entries will be judged and Prizes awarded during showcase, Sunday 19 March.

  • Entrants are required to submit 5 – 6 bottles for sharing with the public at the showcase

  • You may enter more than 1 type of wine, but no more than 5 per maker.

  • You must register your entry no later than 28 February 2023.


Please tick one:
Y / N     I work in the City of Darebin
Y / N     I live in the City of Darebin
Y / N     I study in the City of Darebin
Y / N     I attend a Seniors club in the City of Darebin (If so, which one_________________________)




___________________________________________________ P/C____________________________

Phone number______________________________________________________________________

You may bring a friend to help you with the tastings at the showcase.
Lunch will be provided for you and your friend.
Please let us know if you or your friend have any specific dietary requirements: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Wine / entry information:




Tell us about your wine:


This year, you may drop off wine to the venue ahead of the showcase on Friday 17 March between 11am – 4.00pm or bring it with you on the day.

Access for set up on the day:
11.00am – 12.00am
Preston City Hall, 284 Gower Street, Preston.
Car parking will be provided at rear of Council, access via Kelvin Grove. 

Please contact Amanda with any queries or questions via email or phone 0401 626 260.