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connecting our community

Welcome to the ‘hood!

How fabulous!

Alphington Food Hub is delighted to welcome local legends Northcote Bakeshop to the neighbourhood. It’s been a long time coming!  

Northcote Bakeshop are an institution on High Street in Northcote, recently notching up 10 years of deliciousness and leadership in community initiatives. Peter and Hiruni have initiated many sustainability networks and projects, including produce swaps and pay it forward programs through COVID19. Recently Hiruni was recognised as Citizen of the Year by Darebin City Council, particularly for her work establishing the Wangim Cup project across Darebin reducing coffee cups going to landfill.

And now they are opening a cafe just up the road at the Melbourne Farmers Market site.

The café will offer fabulous coffee, fresh loaves of sourdough and pastries daily plus a range of sandwiches. All handmade, with local ingredients.

Alphington Bakeshop opens Friday and Saturday 8am-2pm and is accessible through the pedestrian gate on the corner of Yarana Road.

On Sundays it will open from 9am-2pm as part of the market offering - with access through the main gates.

And … we look forward to seeing them open more often towards summer when the garden café really blooms! The space will unfold as they settle in and the weather improves.

In the meantime, you can rug up and embrace the covered, outdoor space with something nourishing to keep you warm.

community, foodKalimna