Alphington Community Centre

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Climate action for littlies (and their families)

Looking to introduce your children to age appropriate concepts, language and actions that enable and empower them (and you as a family) to talk about and make a difference in the climate change sphere? Yarra City Council is hosting two events you might be interested in. Thanks Karen for sending these workshop links through.

Young children talking climate action (free event)

10.30am-12.15pm, Wednesday April 6, Collingwood Children’s Farm

To register:

Come along and take climate action as a family within the natural surrounds of the Collingwood Children’s Farm. Join CERES early childhood educator, Deanne Jones, to take part in simple activities that engage young children with climate change and climate actions which can be taken as a family. The activity will be followed up with a nature play activity and families can then stay and enjoy the Farm after the event.

Talking with young children about climate change (free event)

7-8.30pm, Tuesday April 12, online

To register:

Join psychologist Susie Burke to hear about ways of coping with the ‘uncomfortable truths’ of climate change and gather ideas about how to support our children to cope. Also hear from an early childhood educator and a parent about what gives them hope and how they have engaged young children around climate change. The concepts covered are applicable to children of all ages, with this session focussing on children within the age of 2-6years.