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connecting our community

Living local grant

We are very excited to have recently received a State Government Living Local grant to update our back garden to create a lovely indoor/outdoor creative arts space that will make the most of this part of our site that needs a refresh,. It will also increase wheelchair accessibility here at ACC. We have lots of people with mobility issues who attend ACC regularly.

Our local MP Kat Theophanous came along to Friday morning tea to officially announce this grant of $143,500, and also announced a surprise - an additional commitment of $100,000 from the Labor Government for ACC if they are re-elected.

As you possibly know, our core funding already comes from the State Government, with additional reliable support from Yarra and Darebin Council - but to do all the things we do we are always applying for additional funding and grants: So we are pretty thrilled that the State Government is recognising all the good things we do and investing in community building through neighbourhood houses via grants … and election commitments.

ACC news, community artLeanne