Alphington Community Centre

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Read our annual report

Thanks so much to everyone who came along to our Annual General Meeting a week and a bit ago.

It was lovely to look back at what we achieved over the last year.

A special thanks to Kathy Vrettas from Yarra Council for attending. She provides wonderful support to all the Yarra neighbourhood houses on behalf of Council. It was also lovely that Cr Amanda Stone could attend, also from Yarra.

We really did achieve a lot in the last year. And we couldn’t do it without a super team of people.

Kalimna keeps so many things ticking along behind the scenes, Suzanne has amazing grant writing and management skills, Lee is super creative, Jill is such a kindhearted and knowledgeable CD worker, Maylei runs a fabulous Women in the Shed program and both Katrina and now Clare have really improved our community engagement through our garden spaces in the last year (and the gardens themselves).

We also have a very supportive Committee of Governance and I’d like to thank Heather as Chair, Anne as Secretary and Michelle as Treasurer this year. Thanks also to Jane as a general member. This year we welcomed Wendy and Ina mid-term. It is great to have an injection of new skills and ideas at the strategic level. I would also like to thank Kate - who is hanging up her hat after 3-4 years …I hope you have a lovely time with your exciting new endeavours!

Of course, we also have so many volunteers here who help out in so many ways. From Shirley running line dancing to Phil running our computer group, to our preserves and craft group members … to those who put their hand up to coordinate the book clubs - big and small, we really appreciate all the the community connections and contributions that are at the heart of our neighbourhood house.

And then, there’s all the super workshops and projects we’ve run this year. And our partners and financial supporters … it really is amazing … you’ll HAVE to read the Annual Report. Here it is.