Alphington Community Centre

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Need food? We can help!

I remember when I was at uni (back in the day), living on Austudy and a part time job and barely scraping by after paying rent. My housemates and I would go to Smith Street Safeway and pool our money and then have to stand at the cash register and put things back that we couldn’t afford.

Lots of people have been in the same boat at some stage in their life. A helping hand to reduce basic living expenses when you don’t have enough money coming in can really help.

Please know that there is food relief available for anyone who needs it in our neighbourhood and beyond. We have meals in our freezer that we can give you immediately and we can also help out with accessing groceries either once off, or more regularly until you get on top of things again.

We know there are students and families and other people who rely on casual work who are struggling.

Food relief can help take the pressure off. Just call us on 9499 7227 and we’ll help you access the services you need.