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ACC Online

connecting our community

School holiday LEGO fun


If your kids (or grandkids) are into LEGO they might enjoy a morning of building and creating here at ACC during the school holidays with Cat - who runs regular LEGO sessions here during school term.

She has scheduled a series of 3 workshops across local neighbourhood houses during the holidays (if your children would like to book in on multiple days).

The workshops will run from 9.15am-12pm. The locations and dates are:

  • Tuesday 6 April - Reynard Street Neighbourhood House, 104 Reynard St, Coburg

  • Wednesday 7 April The Bridge, High Street, Preston

  • Friday 9 April Alphington Community Centre, 2 Kelvin Road, Alphington

Cost: Single workshop $45. 2 workshops $80. All 3 workshops $120. And there is a sibling discount of 15% off.

If you have a littler person who might be keen then you can book in here.
