Alphington Community Centre

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ACC Christmas lunch

If you would like to be part of some early festivities please join us this Friday in the garden from 12pm for a low key Christmas lunch to finish off the year. We’ll celebrate our new pergola (which should have its roof on by then), admire our flourishing community garden and enjoy the fact that we can be together once again ... note the weather looks 👍 at this stage.

If you are planning to come along it would be amazing if you could RSVP by clicking here or call us by Thursday on 9499 7237 if possible (but you are still most welcome if you can’t). Note that there’s not much point calling us on the day … we’re always running around on such occasions, and we will have already bought the food! So just rock up.

Anyway, we hope you can make it!

Friday 10 December 12pm. The front garden. ACC - 2 Kelvin Road, Alphington .

Merry Christmas🎄.