ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

Next year

The last few months have sped by and we’re now closing up shop for Christmas. We’re all taking a break from the office for the entire school holidays … we’ll be back on 31 January 2022 raring to go!

Coming up next year as part of our regular program we have:

  • Ukulele on Monday evenings

  • CWA on Mondays (monthly)

  • Collage on Tuesday evenings (6 weeks per term)

  • History Group on Tuesday evenings (monthly)

  • Toy Library open on Wednesdays

  • AAA Bowls on Wednesdays (6 weeks per term)

  • Line dancing on Wednesdays

  • Women in the Shed with Maylei on Thursdays (6 weeks per term)

  • Choir Thursday evenings

  • Arty Gardening on Fridays

  • Morning Tea in the Garden on Fridays, and

  • Observational Drawing with Louisa on Saturday afternoons (6 weeks per term).

Keen to join in? You can book (and pay) on our website now so you are ready to hit the ground running in 2022 …

And of course in amongst all this we have book clubs and playgroups, guitar lessons, ASRC food collections, counselling and … some weekend workshops and events (like the Alphington Show) that you should check out! You can find all the things in our program here.

We hope to see you in 2022.