ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

Join our committee

At ACC our organisation is underpinned by kindness, generosity and community at all levels, from our committee of governance, to our staff and our programs.

As you know, we focus on encouraging everyone in our neighbourhood to live healthy, sustainable, active and creative lives. And we run a range of friendly activities that particularly create opportunities for people who are isolated and feeling lonely (for whatever reason and at whatever life stage) to build neighbourhood/community connections. We also prioritise inclusive programming to enable people of all abilities to do the things they most love.

So … if you are kind-hearted and community minded yourself and would be interested in contributing strategically to our organisation … we’d love you to join our committee. Ideally we’re looking for two people - to replace Andy and Amaya who left at the end of last (we’re sorry to see you both leave but we’d also like thank you sincerely for your wonderful contributions over the last few years).

Our committee meets 6-8 times a year on the 4th Monday of the month at 8pm … excluding school holidays (when ACC is closed).

If you are interested please call Leanne.

community, ACC newsLeanne