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ACC Online

connecting our community

Alphington open studios - join us for opening night

With COVID restrictions easing we’re quite excited about planning a little neighbourhood gathering to kick off the Alphington Open Studios weekends.

For the first time we are going to have our salon exhibition open at ACC open from 5-7pm on Friday 26 November. Pop past for a glass of wine and some nibbles. Admire the art … buy some art as a gift for yourself (you deserve it) or a loved one! Have a chat to us, to the artists and/or your neighbours. We’ll set up inside and out in the garden to abide by COVID restrictions.

Put it in your diary and come along for a low key, fun, arty neighbourhood evening. Kids can play in the garden … fingers crossed for the weather!

If you are an artist that would like to participate you can register here. We welcome emerging and established artists.