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ACC Online

connecting our community

Introducing you to Maylei

The very best thing about being part of a neighbourhood house is the ability to make the most of the skills in our community and the opportunities on our doorstep.

During lockdown we met lovely local Maylei when she contacted us proposing a wooden spoon carving workshop - and followed up with a visit to buy a mask and introduce herself in person, back in the day when masks were the new thing (it seems like a lifetime ago now).

Wooden spoon carving sounds pretty cool right? And we were keen to continue the discussion (note the expression of interest process we have running - you can register here if it sounds like your cup of tea too).

Anyway, we’ve been having ongoing discussions with Maylei about how she could contribute at ACC, and last term she took part in our Women in the Shed program, with the thought that if demand continued, she could run an additional session this year.

And it has. And so she is.

So we thought it might be nice to introduce her. Maylei is a visual artist and social documentary photographer. She is originally from Sydney but moved to Melbourne four years ago.

She has a diploma in Community Development and has taught a range of creative classes to children and adults alike, including photography, visual arts and wooden spoon carving (obviously).

Maylei has a long-standing interest in wood working and particularly loves creating practical items. Here’s a photo of her with the rustic planter she made last term in our program … she made it to match one she has at home already.

If you are keen to book yourself a place in Women in the Shed it is full this term but there are spots available next term. So you can still join in this safe, kind, fun, creative and supportive class on Thursdays. And we also have a couple of Learn Local discounted spots as well for next term (these take the cost down from $150 to $50 for those that need it - just contact our office). Find out more and book in here.
