Alphington Community Centre

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Next level yarn bombing

Local Kevin wrote to us recently with some nice words (always lovely to receive) and also a post suggestion.

I think it could be something to inspire our craft group … ?

Specifically he pointed us in the direction of Anne Eunson from Scotland, who made a fence from knitted Shetland lace. It really is pretty gorgeous. And check out her needles! Made from curtain rods. She says she knitted with fishing net twine and that the fence only took her about 3 weeks to complete.

I imagine the fence will last a few years … fishing net twine should be pretty robust right?

Also, when I did an internet search I found that you can actually purchase the pattern here from ravelry.

Fun. Can we look forward to knitted neighbourhood fences? Please let us know if you give it a crack.

And thanks for the post idea Kevin!