ACC Online

Find out what is happening at ACC and in the neighbourhood.

ACC Online

connecting our community

The weekly list: facebook groups

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Did you know there are local Facebook groups you can join to connect in with like minded community folk. Find out stuff that’s going on. Have a laugh. Connect with others. Joining groups is quite a good way to fill your Facebook feed with things that actually interest you!

Here’s a quick list of some that we are enjoying being part of:

Never joined a Facebook group before? It’s easy if you have an account. We’ve provided the links for these ones. Just click join. Sometimes they ask you a couple of questions to work out of you are local and the right fit, and they generally ask you to sign up to some etiquette rules, to keep things nice.

You can also go to your profile and click on groups, and search to see what else is out there that may be of interest specifically to you. I am a member of a Melbourne art group and some professional groups for example.

A photo of the plaza …

A photo of the plaza …
