Alphington Community Centre

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Online VCE study support

Our lovely colleague Kathy from Yarra Council sent through this information today (thanks Kathy) and I thought it might be of interest to some in our community.

I think there’s no doubt that 2020 will be an extra stressful year for all VCE students and their families - I am sure it is not what they imagined at all.

So, if you know a student who doesn’t have access to support outside school or you yourself have skills to share and could become a tutor for the next few months, please read on!

The Centre for Multicultural Youth in partnership with Edmund Rice Community and Refugee Services is delivering free online VCE Study Support sessions on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons, 4pm – 6pm, starting in the September school holidays.

Student and volunteer applications are now open.

The program is open to all VCE students who do not have access to learning support outside school, including students from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

Apply here:

Email for further information.