Alphington Community Centre

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The winter scarf

We have so many talented people in our neighbourhood. We see this in abundance at the Alphington Show - from handmade toys, to home grown vegetables, painting, cooking and more.

A few weeks ago the lovely Pat, a long standing book club member, reached out to us to find a local maker who could knit a scarf to give as a present (which is just so nice in itself right!)

So we put her in touch with a member of our craft group. Elaine is an enthusiastic knitter. And a gem who always steps up and helps out - with our community lunches, makers market stalls and more. We love her!

So here is the story from Pat - 100% all about neighbourhoodliness!

During this long, cold isolation time, I go for a walk every afternoon leaving home about 4.15pm and walking for 50 minutes. I often see the same people out walking and we smile (under our masks)! 

There is an elderly gentleman who is very slim and very tall and he always gives me a wave and often we just stop to say "hello" and have a short chat.  About 6 weeks ago, he told me how cold he was feeling and I had a thought that I would like to knit him a scarf, but it has been years since I last took up the knitting needles!  So I e-mailed Alphington Community Centre asking if they had anyone that might be interested in knitting a scarf for me if I paid for the wool, etc. 

Kalimna passed on my request and I had a lovely reply from Elaine from the craft group. We arranged to meet for a chat/coffee on a Saturday morning outside ACC.  Elaine and I had a very nice meeting and she offered to make the scarf for me. She had found 5 balls of wool in the Centre supplies. 

Elaine and I met again last Saturday where she gave me the scarf. She had knitted it in moss stitch so it wouldn't stretch. 

I have since given my neighbourhood friend the scarf and he was so grateful.

And I am so happy that I met Elaine. I suggested to her that her craft group and my book club ladies have a get together and organise an informal BYO lunch at the ACC when we can come together in groups again.