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Neighbourhood treasure hunts

I’m guessing that many of us are extremely familiar with our local streetscapes by now, with neighbourhood walks becoming a familiar part of our daily routine. We loved the rainbow pictures and teddy bears of Lockdown No.1 and now Lockdown No.2 is offering a treasure-trove of front garden creativity waiting to be discovered. The lure of these whimsical treats are proving to be an effective incentive for getting smallish children out of the house and walking or scooting for that all important daily burst of fresh air and exercise.

Here are a few of our recently discovered favourites…

Spoon family on Kellet Street, Northcote

Spoon family on Kellet Street, Northcote

Forest Fairies, Kennedy Street, Fairfield

Forest Fairies, Kennedy Street, Fairfield

Kindness on corner of Russell and Bank Streets, Northcote

Kindness on corner of Russell and Bank Streets, Northcote

St Andrew’s Church, Fairfield

St Andrew’s Church, Fairfield

Woodland Fairies, Mitchell Street, Northcote, near Hillside Avenue

Woodland Fairies, Mitchell Street, Northcote, near Hillside Avenue

We’d love to hear from you about your local neighbourhood treasures to add to the map!