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connecting our community

Alphington CWA mask donations

We’d really like to thank Alphington CWA for donating a stack of masks to Gurwidj Neighbourhood House in Thornbury.

Julie, who runs the North East Neighbourhood House Network (which provides fantastic professional support to all the neighbourhood houses in the corridor from Fitzroy through to Diamond Creek) was speaking with Cindy from Gurwidj, and offered to round up some free masks for her to give out to those in her community who were in need.

Alphington CWA (and Jan in particular), stepped up to help out.


Julie is now also looking to provide free masks for health workers at the Northern Hospital … there is a need for personal masks for staff to wear as they head home. Carlton Learning Centre (another neighbourhood house friend just down the road) is also keen for some masks to distribute into the Carlton flats.

So if anyone loves sewing or is feeling a bit flat and would like to do something for others … here’s a worthy cause! Just let me know. We have a simple pattern that we can share, or you can make your own favourite style, as long as the masks are effective (ie. have 3 layers).

Thanks once again Alphington CWA. What a great group of humans you are! And … aren’t we so lucky to live in such a sharing and caring neighbourhoodly community!

Note: if you still need to BUY a mask, we have them for sale on our website. Only $10. For some reason the shopping cart isn’t working on phones at the minute - I will investigate! but in the mean time - just log in on a computer if you want to make a purchase here. We’ll deliver them to your door!
